Dana Edmonson Wins 2008 Clark Award
Posted in Company EventsDana Edmonson, Project Lead for the DeRisk IT Inc. offsite testing facility, has been awarded the 2008 Clark Award. This award is given out each year to the employee that best fits the corporate culture and best works to continue the vision of DeRisk IT Inc.
Since joining DeRisk IT, Edmonson has been strongly involved in the addition of the offsite testing facility located in Winfield, Alabama. "Dana has been the key element technically in getting our facility established," said Lann Stewart, VP of Global Sales. "She has allowed our sales team the opportunity to know they can sell the best services available in today's struggling economy."
Edmonson is part of a dedicated offsite testing team that allows clients to utilize offsite testing without outsourcing to typical foreign countries. The system allows US-based companies the opportunity to continue to receive top quality services and keep money in America. The processes and methodologies of this facility are based on best practices over years of delivering testing solutions.
This award is named after CEO Edward Clark, whose vision and determination to see DeRisk IT Inc. succeed is awarded to the individual each year that fits the corporate culture and sees the clear vision of the company.